The Big Move

My company decided, back in August when it all seemed like a good idea, to buy a tax practice from someone who is retiring.  It's a good solid business and comes with a bookkeeper, which we needed.  I'm sure it will turn out to be a good decision.  But oh my god has it been a week.

On Monday, the movers came.  They came to my office, picked up old stuff we wanted to get rid of, and took it to Goodwill.  Then they went to the other office, picked up computers and office furniture and etc and brought it to us.  My partner K was stationed at the other office.  I was at ours.  The third partner, J, has recently felt that she doesn't want to be as involved in managing the business, so she was sitting in her office doing I don't know what.  Don't get me started on that one.

So the move went off flawlessly.  Then our tech guys came in and started moving computers around.  I am getting a brand new computer, which is great except that now all my passwords are gone and I can't find half my files without hunting for five minutes.  They needed to convert the other person's files into our software.  I was involved last time we did this and told them what I remembered about how it had to be done.  About 5 on Friday they finally listened to me and got it done.

K has given me and the third partner jobs she needs done.  I did all mine the first day, and some of J's too, because J was too busy doing other things, and also following the tech guys around asking questions.  She probably doubled our cost for doing this because she wouldn't leave them alone.  K is ready to kill J.  I wish that if J doesn't want to be involved in management she'd stay the hell out of the way, but that's not how she works.

So now we have new offices set up.  We have enough office supplies to last through three more lifetimes.  Slowly boxes are being emptied and put away.  The new bookkeeper appears to be great, and is so happy to be working for us.  So far J is still alive.  We have new employees hired and ready to start after the first of the year.  I can't believe it's already time to do this again.


  1. Business is booming which is a great thing! But J sounds like a PITA. What are her advantages? Do you need her around?


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