I should not be this tired

Every year I say it, and every year I'm shocked at how dark and cold December is.  It's kind of like having a baby, you remember it hurt, but every time you do it again you're surprised how MUCH it hurts.

So it's dark and cold and wet.  My arthritis hurts.  I came home at 3 yesterday, thinking I'd get some work done, and instead crawled into bed and slept for two hours.

I've never had this much work in December, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done before taxes start.  I've got five cases needing representation work, in various stages of completion.  I have two people who haven't filed for six years (each!) who need their books put together before we can start.  And will probably need some negotiating when we're done.

One of my clients with the biggest messes was born in the same hospital I was, three days before me.  Since women stayed in the hospital for a week, we almost certainly shared the nursery for a few days.  Our lives have certainly taken different paths.

On the bright side, we've got most of our training planned out for our new employees.  Most of the boxes that came over in the move have been unpacked and put away.  I did get a lot done today.

For those of you keeping track at home, there are still two families who have put nothing on their Christmas list.


  1. Geeze, still nothing? I like to finish early (already done) so that would drive me crazy!! Your December work load sounds overwhelming. I would crawl into bed too. As you know, this time of year is hard for me also. I can afford to be lazy, but it doesn't make me feel any better about myself or the season.


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