
The people in my house are weird about their cats.  Not me, I mostly tolerate them.  But Joe and Emily just lose their minds over them.

It happened again last night.  I fed the pets when I got home.  They were all here.  A couple of hours later, Emily started looking for the girl kitty and couldn't find her.  She got Joe all worked up.  The two of them were tearing the house apart looking for her.

Now, that particular cat doesn't try to get out.  If it was the boy cat, yeah, I could see maybe he sneaked out when someone came in.  But the girl doesn't try.  I figured she'd squirreled herself away somewhere and she'd come out when she was good and ready.  I continued with what I was doing.

They went outside in the rain and were calling and calling.  Emily started to cry.  Joe was frustrated.  No one would believe me that the cat would come out when she was ready.

And of course, eventually, the cat came out of the closet she was hiding in.

Last time this happened, Joe made signs and put them up all over the neighborhood.  He was sick to his stomach fussing.  And then the cat came out of the closet.

So much energy wasted.  They're always here somewhere.  But of course no one ever listens to me, even though I'm always right on this one.


  1. I don't get worried about Mari, although once she did sneak into the garage and I wondered where she had gone. I eventually found her at the door when she got cold/hungry enough. A few times I've shut her in rooms, which I've also discovered after hearing meowing and scratching. Cats are pretty independent creatures.


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