Worst mother in the world

My brother had his surgery and is recovering very well.  However he can't drive for 12 weeks.  His daughter goes to the same high school Emily did, and apparently he's been driving her in the morning.  He asked if I could take her for the foreseeable future.  This will mean getting up about 6 a.m. again.  I thought those days were over.  But I said yes.

Tonight I found out he's got my mother picking her up after school.  Why can't she take the city bus, I asked.  That's what Emily did.  It gets her kind of close to my mom's house, she can walk there and then mom can take her home from there.  It's the same bus I took when I went there, for that matter.

Apparently the bus is not an option for her.  Hmmm.  I must be a very bad mother.  All my kids took the bus home from school.  I get driving them in the morning, but there's plenty of time and buses in the afternoon.  Ridiculous. 

And my mother really shouldn't be driving.  That brother is the one who insisted I had no right to tell her not to drive.


And while I'm on the subject of what a bad mother I am?  Emily, who lives here rent free and has access to all the food and supplies in the house, and gets help with her tuition, is currently not speaking to me because I told her she needs to clean up her room.  It's a horrible mess in there.  She promised to clean it up before school started and then she didn't.  Apparently I don't understand how busy and stressed her life is.  There's plenty of time to hang out with the boyfriend and watch movies and visit friends, but no time to work on her room.

She came home from work and slammed a couple of doors and went out again.  Joe is working overtime again.  The house is kind of peaceful.  I could get used to this.


  1. I feel for you with Emily. I anticipate some difficult times if Alison moves back home. We love each other, but don't live together very well. I get irritated by my sister-in-law's approach to parenting, although I was protective, she takes it to an extreme degree. (in my opinion) And everything and everyone in their lives has to be Christian centered. I'm not even allowed to say something is "stupid" because that's a BAD WORD. Geeze. That's stupid.


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