
I went to work on Sunday for four hours, and got everything done that I could.  I sent out stuff for signature.  One guy owes $75000.  Another one owes $50,000.  Some really earth-shattering amounts this year.  But I've done everything I can.  I have eight returns left that are all out for signature.  I'm going home at 4 tomorrow, and if they're not back to me by then, oh well.  My mantra is, I can't make people care.

Michael has been dating a lovely young woman named Lucy for about two years.  I like her very much, and she seems to like me, which is huge, because I scare a lot of people.  She's very smart and down to earth.  Michael seems to think she's going to be in the picture for a long time, which makes me happy.

Emily is dating a young man named A, I'm not giving his name yet because I'm not so sure he's permanent.  He makes her very happy a lot of the time, but he can also be a little, shall we say, whiny.  Em spent the weekend in Olympia with a friend from college who has graduated and is working as a teacher.  She had a great time, came home enthused about being a teacher, and A started complaining that he hadn't seen her for three days and he was bored and lonely.  Emily says it's because he's an only child and he never learned how to amuse himself.  Anyway she had hoped to do homework and go to bed early, but he came over and hung out for several hours.  She was quite annoyed.  I was telling her that she doesn't have to put up with that, she should stand up for what she wants, and Lucy joined in.  We sounded like a couple of feminists there. 

And now I have to go resurrect my old laptop, which takes 15 minutes to get up and running these days.  Somebody needs a training program I wrote a couple of years ago, and I'm pretty sure that's where it's hiding.


  1. really you don't sound like a feminist, you would have said the same thing if Em was male.. I think that's one of the harder things to learn, is that you CAN say no. And I never can understand how people can NOT pay taxes and end up owing a zillion dollars. I mean, I was self-employed too, and taxes were paid quarterly, and there was no not paying. I just don't get it

  2. Those amounts are staggering! I remember the year after Patt died when I owed $6,000 and I was in shock. I can't imagine digging up that kind of money, but to owe that much they must have made a lot. However, not everyone holds on to their money like I do! Chris tells me every year that I'm underspending, and that I have plenty of assets. :) Glad that Michael has found a keeper. Em's guy sounds annoying and needy. I'm hoping that Alison gets the picture on her guy and comes home. Fingers crossed.


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