A sobering day

Today was a sobering day.  I have a client who is dying of lung cancer at 61.  She never filed her 2014 tax return so the IRS did it for her and now they say she owes $400,000.  Her family wants to get this settled before she dies, and they brought me a big box of receipts to sort through and put things together.

The receipts all smell of cigarette smoke, which makes me sad.  Projects like this really give me a snapshot into a person's life.  She ran a small restaurant.  In the box are complaint letters, business receipts, thank you cards, catering menus, you name it.  They threw in her personal stuff too, I found receipts for teeth whitening and facials and fancy haircuts.  The number of NSF fees is astonishing, one month she had over $1000 in bank fees alone.

I wonder if she'd have made different choices if she'd known she had such a short time left.


My brother had both his knees replaced today.  It went well, and I took my mom down to see him tonight, he's going to spend a couple of days in the hospital.  He's never been in the hospital as a patient before, and it was quite a day for him, after all the time we've spent with the parents in the hospital in the last few years.  He got choked up talking about how he reached out his hand with the IV in it to get some water, and saw Dad's hand doing the same thing.

We're not getting any younger, that's for sure.  I need both my knees done too, but I'm waiting until after tax season, maybe longer if I can stand it.  And I'm doing one at a time.  Geez.


  1. So young, but lung cancer (and cigarettes) are very evil. I thought you already had a knee done? So many of my friends have, as well as John. (football is also kind of evil and extremely hard on the knees)


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