In laws

Joe is the youngest of eight siblings.  Five are still alive and live in Indiana.  We are very fond of them, though we don't see them often.  One sister-in-law in particular has been around for most of his life, and has always been very loving and generous with him (and me!)

That sister-in-law loves our President.  Today she posted half a dozen things on Facebook about how misunderstood he is, how God has put him right where he wants him to do the things he's doing, how we need to pray for him.  She even posted the one where he's hugging the flag with a silly grin on his face.

I need someone to teach me how to make barf emojis.  I love her, but this is getting ridiculous.


I spent 20 plus years getting up at 6 a.m. to get my kids to school on time.  I am very much a night owl, but I did it because society expects us to do those things.  For the last few years I have loved staying up late and sleeping later.  I never see clients before 10, I have time to lie in bed for a bit after I wake up and drink some coffee.  It's the best thing ever.

I think I mentioned that I'm driving my niece to school until my brother can drive again.  I have to get up at 6.  I leave the house when it's still dark.  I actually have seen two sunrises this week.  It is a travesty.


The parade of people with tax problems continues.  Yesterday I got someone who has filed most of his returns for the last ten years, but late, and owes huge amounts of money.  Like almost half a million.  I have to catch him up for the years he hasn't filed and then figure out how he's going to pay this.  I'm not taking bets how long he'll stay on a payment plan.  I've been thinking about coming up with a special package deal, where people pay me to nag them.  Want me to nag you to make your estimated payments?  $200 a year.  Need monthly nags to keep up with your payment plan?  $600 a year.  Or are you looking for someone to call you up and shriek at you that you need to get your tax return filed to avoid penalties?  $300.  Or get our special package deal with all of the above for the bargain price of $1000!  I think this is a great idea, I seriously have clients who would probably pay me to do this.  Then I'd just have to remember to actually do it.


  1. Geeze, I know what you mean about people who post glowing stuff about T. on FB. I have to quickly and determinedly scroll past, but it makes me angry/terrified/sad/despairing. Facts don't seem to exist these days...It's difficult to believe how irresponsible some of these "adult" tax deliquents are! Your eyes must hurt from rolling them so much. :)


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