Crazy ex

I don't remember if I ever talked about it here, but my youngest brother and his wife split up a couple of years ago.  I am 100% certain she is addicted to something, it's like her life did a right turn a few years ago and she became a different person.  She took up with a man who had already cheated on two wives (but he loves her, so he'll never do it to her!  ahem)  She left the kids with my brother and refuses to pay child support.  It's just been awful.

Fortunately the kids are old enough to get it, and my brother is a very good dad.  Life has gone on.

Yesterday he told us that she is supposed to have the kids for Thanksgiving, but she's told them she might make other plans.  Can you even imagine?  My brother is working a second job to get caught up again after he had to pay off half her debts, he'd planned to work that day four hours from home to get the holiday pay.  So the kids would have been on their own for Thanksgiving.  So if it happens (she hasn't decided yet for sure!!!!) we're going to have the kids over here, and then my brother can join us when he gets off work. 

Sometimes I just don't understand people.


Another person I don't understand is my client, who was on the phone with me Friday almost in tears.  His payments to the IRS are too high, he's barely making it.  Is there any way I can get them reduced a little?  I sent him my worksheet so I can figure it out.  He hasn't returned it to me yet because he was TOO BUSY GOING TO THE MLS SOCCER FINAL TODAY.  The one where tickets cost several hundred dollars if you were lucky enough to get in.

Priorities.  I really shouldn't be Facebook friends with my clients.  I'm still not over his trip to Paris last year.


Daylight savings has ended with its usual crash, and it is so so dark!  I've lived here most of my life, and every November is a fresh shock to me.  Dark and cold and wet.  Ugh.  One of these years I'm going to move south for the winter.


  1. How awful for your brother and the kids! I fume on their behalf and can't imagine a person like your ex SIL. She did love her husband and children at one time, yet that caring and consideration appear to be gone. A college friend that I had dinner with tonight has a vile ex-husband who told one of her sons that his stage of being a dad was over. (like parenthood is EVER over?) This is the dad who worked/works in Malaysia and found a 30 some year old g/f from that country while he was still married, but kept lying to my friend about it. Your client sounds like a real piece of work. You probably can't suggest that he cut down on his entertainment and travel budget to make his IRS payments, right?


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