
I am excited for Michael tonight.  He's on a date!

He dated one woman for six years, I thought they would get married and I was very happy about that.  I really loved her.  When they broke up, I was almost more upset than he was.

It's been three years now, and he hasn't been on one date.  His life is happy and fulfilled, he has a good job and lots of friends, but I keep wishing he'd put himself out there a little bit.

So for some reason this weekend, he made himself a profile on OkCupid, and two women wanted to meet him.  The first thought she might have time for him today but she was too busy filling out applications to medical school.  Hmph, I say.  Priorities.

The second one he was meeting at 8 tonight for drinks and tapas.  At 9:30 he texted me that he knew I was fussing, and he wanted to let me know it was going really well.  Heh.  That boy knows me almost better than I know myself.  

So yay!  Michael's on a date!


  1. I was there with Ashley when she was talking about giving up dating in LA. (so frustrating!) Now she's bringing Ryan up to meet me, after I encouraged her to go on a date with him instead of staying home with the cat and giving up on men. :) Good luck to Michael in the relationship quest!


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