My mom
My mom. Honestly. I'd forgotten what it's like to travel with her.
As I mentioned before, this has been a revolting winter in Seattle, and I am going to die if I don't get to see some sunshine soon. So I told my mom I wanted to go to Maui after tax season. She hemmed and hawed (but she doesn't have any new summer clothes!) but finally agreed to let me buy her a ticket.
Then she fussed very hard, because our tickets are non-refundable and what if there's some festival in Hawaii that week and we can't get a hotel?
I started looking for a hotel. I sent her one that looked promising. She said it looked like a fire trap, but, and I quote, "whatever you pick, I'm sure it will be fine." Sigh. I sent her another one. She honestly doesn't care, but maybe she should ask her friends who stay on Maui where they go. Fine, please do. I sent another suggestion. She countered with the name of the condo her parents used to stay at back when they went to Hawaii in the 90s.
FINE! I forgot, you're only allowed to do something if someone else has recommended it. Even if the recommendation is from the early 90s. The place looks lovely, it's almost double the price I'd hoped to pay, but whatever. She'll pay for half, and I used miles to get my plane ticket. It will be fine.
Now she'll start asking all her friends for recommended restaurants, so we only eat recommended entrees at recommended restaurants. But I'm going to MAUI!
It really has been a revolting winter, and I love Seattle. It was either way too cold, or extremely rainy or just plain gray! I'm glad you're getting away to Maui, even if your mom is driving you a bit crazy with her "security" measures. :)