
Showing posts from February, 2018

Birthday party

Hard to believe we're halfway through February already.  Tax season is off to a frantic start, we're much busier than normal for mid-February.  Which is both good and bad.  Yesterday, for instance, my partner who doesn't like spending money looked at the schedule for today.  I was busy with appointments all day, but she wasn't, so she told the receptionist not to bother coming in.  I would not have done that, but I don't care.  I saw clients all day, and the phone rang and rang and rang.  A dozen clients dropped off paperwork.  And tonight my partner was bitching that she hadn't gotten anything done all day.  Hmmm.  I gently suggested that we not tell the receptionist not to come anymore. Yesterday we threw a big party for my mother's 85th birthday.  It was the usual annoyance.  I asked her what kind of party she wanted.  She obviously knew, but she wasn't going to tell me.  I thought it would be nice to have it at ...