Appreciating Emily
I had a client come in today whose son was born the same week as Emily. The son has graduated high school and is now attending the school of "failure to launch," as his father put it. He was dating an 18 year old who dropped out of high school. Her parents did not want them "living in sin" because they are active in their church, so they took the young couple to a minister and helped them get married. Now they're living in the girl's parents' basement with no education and no jobs. My clients are beside themselves. I texted Emily that I was appreciating her rather more than usual today. Her response was that this is a good time to tell me she's pregnant and has a meth problem. SIGH. Everyone else thinks she's hilarious. _______________________________________________________________________________ Ten more days until the end of tax season, and I'm not working on one of them. This is starting to seem achievable, despite the ver...