It's been awhile
So last time I wrote we were just in the beginning stages of being shut down. And it worked, it really did. Our numbers on this side of the mountain are good. There are still new cases, we're all being very careful (well, most of us that don't have political motivations, anyway) and so far, so good. We just have to keep on keeping on. I am still mostly working from home. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but my knees are crap. They both needed to be replaced. I had scheduled the first surgery for April 22, right after the tax deadline, but of course that didn't happen. On May 7, I got a phone call from the surgeon, he could do it May 13 if I was free. So I moved heaven and earth to be free. It went very well. The recovery has taken much longer than I expected (I had told clients I'd be back in the office in two weeks, it was more like four) but overall I'm happy. It's been five weeks tomorrow. There is ...